tune up in italian
English-italian dictionary | tune tune-up: relativo all'accordarsi (di orchestra) manca qualcosa di importante? segnala un errore o suggerisci miglioramenti. Italian tune-up istilah italian tune-up berawal dari kebiasaan mengemudi bangsa italia yang terkenal temperamental dan senang ngebut. di jalur-jalur pegunungan italia. I am talking about the method of leaving a car in a low gear, running the engine up near redline, and then letting off, letting it engine brake and slow down..

An italian tuneup usually refers to a process whereby a motor vehicle engine is run at full load for extended periods in order to burn carbon buildup from the. After replacing the distributer cap, rotor, and spark plugs and tuning the carburetor in my amc concord, i performed an italian tune up to finish off the job.. Italian translation for tune-up - dict.cc english-italian dictionary.
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